Wild Goose Season
Migrating geese are a symbol of autumn and the local migration has begun. Every year, Canada Geese ( Branta canadensis) pass by my house during September and October. Their visits are announced by rich and musical calls. They are always flying or swimming in the same direction, westward along the shoreline towards Deception Pass. I assume they are heading out to meet their companions on the Pacific Flyway . In the photo, a Glaucous-winged Gull is keeping watch at the water's edge. The mottled winter coloring of the head and neck is already starting to appear. Sometimes, the geese will stop for a rest on the beach in front of my house. A small stream that drains the wetland behind me provides a drink of fresh water and an algae snack. Then after a nap, they will continue on their way. I have come to look forward to this annual event. Some people despise these birds. They can become pests in public parks and golf courses...