Another Day, Another Birdcam

BirdCam Station No. 2

This may qualify me for the "Off-The-Deep-End" list, but I have installed a second BirdCam.  This one is sited at the edge of a canopy formed by large Douglas Firs, with an understory of smaller trees and garden plantings.  The so-called "edge effect habitat" is known to be ideal for wildlife diversity and sightings.  Hopefully this concept will also apply to backyard landscaping.

Siting a BirdCam station is similar to locating feeders, with a couple of extra considerations:
  • Close to cover and escape routes so the birds will feel safe
  • Straightforward access for both birds and people
  • Convenient to the house to make it easy to replenish feeders and to inspect and maintain the BirdCam
  • Away from predators such as cats (our local coyotes take care of that)
  • Away from nest boxes; feeder traffic may discourage use of nearby nest boxes
  • Good lighting for photos as with any camera; the BirdCam tends to produce blurry or poor quality images in low light
  • Sheltered from wind which might jiggle the BirdCam
  • Locate where there is an appealing background for bird photos; avoid too much clutter to keep the birds the primary subjects
Another spot I am considering for a BirdCam station is at the koi pond waterfall.  This is an active location where the birds come to bathe and get a drink.  Species I never see at the feeders, including Varied Thrushes, Robins and Cedar Waxwings, come here regularly.  I just haven't figured out a good way to mount the camera for the best advantage at this site.

I set up the suet feeder a few days ago before the BirdCam arrived.  While I was installing the camera, a Red-breasted Nuthatch came for breakfast.  As I attached the mounting arm, he took his snack within two feet of me.  I have had the same experience with Chickadees and Wrens.  I expect to see more of all of these species in this location, along with Flickers and maybe even a Pileated Woodpecker.  Seeing a Pileated at the old suet feeder was the inspiration for acquiring the first BirdCam.  Catching a photo of these beautiful birds remains my ongoing quest.