Becoming a Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary

Chestnut-backed Chickadee ( Poecile rufescens ) on Dogwood Reconsidering the NWF My yard is a Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. Their banner, currently in the upper right corner here, has been proudly displayed. Thanks to information from Kelly Brenner ( @MetroFieldGuide , Google+ ) and Carol Sevilla Brown ( @CB4wildlife , Google+ ) , I have learned that the NWF has apparently entered into a partnership with Scotts Miracle-Gro®. This is the familiar garden fertilizer and pesticide company and a division of the Big-Ag chemical company ICL. A firestorm has erupted over this news. To those of us seeking to create natural, sustainable habitats in our yards, the very idea of this partnership is bewildering, to say the least. While this gets sorted out, those of us in Washington State have an alternative. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife also has a Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary Program . I am apply...