Bath Time

The sun came out yesterday, which can be a rare event during February around here. I took the opportunity to visit Cranberry Lake in Deception Pass State Park. I spotted some of the park residents also taking advantage of the sunshine. Even though it was still chilly, these Canada Geese ( Branta canadensis ) were obviously having a good time bathing, splashing and socializing. Altogether, there were thirteen birds in the group. I am not sure if these are year-around residents, or migratory birds spending winter in the park. We have seen family groups here before. Canada Geese have become unwelcome pests in some locales . They often find city parks and golf courses to their liking which leads to conflicts with humans. They can also be a threat to aviation. On Vancouver Island in Canada, wildlife biologists are concerned that their increasing numbers are damaging the natural habitat and threatening other wildlife. Locally, I am...