Royal Visit

Golden-crowned Sparrow at Wiley Slough I was on Fir Island last week hiking along the Spur Dike Trail at Wiley Slough . This is always a good place for bird watching, but it was unusually quiet on this morning. Sub-freezing temperatures may have been responsible for that. Along the edge of the dike, I did encounter a small group of Golden-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla) foraging on the frost-covered ground. There were five altogether, busily scratching in the grass. Such a group of Golden-crowneds is called a "reign." I guess this helps them maintain a regal bearing. They appeared to be eating seeds and other bits of vegetation. They also eat shoots, berries, flowers, buds and insects, according to iBird Pro . In my yard, they are attracted to feeders containing suet or safflower seed. BirdCam Photo, South Fidalgo Island I also caught a Golden-crowned Sparrow at BirdCam One in my yard last week. They...