Harlequin Ducks and Friends

This seems to be a banner year for Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) in Deception Pass State Park. Off and on, I have seen one or two birds at a time. Was I ever surprised to come upon this gang out on Urchin Rocks at Rosario Beach. I have never seen so many at one time. They nest along fast moving streams at higher elevations. In winter, however, they love our rocky shores, according to Seattle Audubon . They suggest the west coast of Whidbey Island and Rosario Beach on Fidalgo Island are two of the best places to spot them. My experience is proving them right about that. This group appeared to be resting and bathing. The two males in the water would dunk their heads and splash with their wings while the others looked on and enjoyed the sunshine. The best wildlife viewing in the park is on a weekday, off-season and early in the morning when it's quiet. Just one other party and I had this whole section of the sta...