A Murder at West Beach

October 11, 2013 was a big day for wildlife at West Beach in Deception Pass State Park. A half dozen Bald Eagles were fishing just off the beach. The Mayor was working his pine grove and the Heermann's Gulls , had joined all the other sea birds at "Fraggle Rock." Not to be outdone, about a dozen or more Northwestern Crows (Corvus caurinus) were patrolling the beach next to the picnic grounds. Such a group of crows is called a "murder." Other collective nouns for crows include "cauldron," "congress," "horde" and "muster" according to iBird Pro . While I watched the crows doing their crow chores on the beach, one fellow seemed to be more interested in studying me. That's him in the photo above. I'd be curious to know what he learned. Northwestern Crows make their living beachcombing the intertidal areas of rocky shores. For this reason, these Corvids could be classified as shorebirds. Th...