Never a Dull Moment

It is early spring at West Beach in Deception Pass State Park, Washington. If you are looking for birds, you will not be disappointed here. Right off the bat, this young gull caught my eye. He was perched on top of the concession building near Cranberry Lake with a good view of the whole area. Gulls take four years to reach their adult plumage. Juveniles like this one can be difficult to identify. Around here, if you guess Glaucous-winged Gull (Larus glaucescens) you'll probably be right most of the time. It's our most common species. Could this one be finishing up his second winter? I would sure appreciate some help with identification. This is a good looking bird regardless of the ID. I like the browns and grays. I have spotted this pair of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) several times this past winter. Late mornings, they are always perching in a particular tree at the north end of the Dune Forest....