American Coot

I have lost track of how many times I have hiked on the dike at Wiley Slough. It provides a trail deep into the wetlands of the Skagit River Delta. The site is managed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife . Despite all those visits, yesterday was the first time I have ever seen an American Coot (Fulica americana) . At first, there was just one. Then a second bird appeared and joined the first one. When the two entered the slough and began to swim, I spotted a third one that joined them from the opposite shore. American Coots are about the size of a small chicken. They are said to be common and abundant in wetland areas throughout the Puget Sound Basin. The Skagit River Delta would appear to be ideal habitat. It consists of sloughs, marshes and ponds where the Skagit River drains into Puget Sound. Water levels will fluctuate subject to both river flow and tidal action. There is a mixing of fresh and salt ...