Western Tanager

You get a lot of junk photos with a BirdCam . You often end up discarding 80%, and sometimes an entire day's collection of shots is completely useless. These include blanks, blurs, butt shots and birds you have captured 1,000 times already. How many House Finch photos can anyone use? This might even go on for several days. Maybe it's time to change the lure. Then, once in a while, something special happens that makes it all worthwhile. The photo above was my first glimpse of a Western Tanager ( Piranga ludoviciana ) at the BirdCam. In fact, it was the first time I had ever seen one. Does an automatic photo count as a sighting? Do you know the feeling of the thrill that will run down the middle of you when something exciting is happening? The first photo is of a male, and this is the female. It is interesting that I got several shots of this pair on May 14th, then they never appeared again. Apparently they were just...