Collective Nouns

This rock is one of the little gems in Deception Pass State Park that visitors might overlook. It is located at West Beach just off shore from the parking lot. As you can see, it is a favorite roosting spot for gregarious shore birds. During the time I watched and took photos, more and more birds continued to arrive and join the gathering. For want of a better name, I informally dubbed it "Fraggle Rock" on a previous visit . Does anyone know if this landmark has an official name? On the left end of the rock, I spotted a " sunning " of Cormorants in the company of gulls. These are either Double-crested Cormorants ( Phalacrocorax auritus ) or Pelagic Cormorants ( P. pelagicus ). A better look at their bills would have been helpful to distinguish them. They dive underwater for fish and will literally swim with their webbed feet to catch their prey. When they have had their fill, they will roost like this to dry their fe...