Latin for Bird Lovers

Attention bibliophiles, logophiles, linguaphiles, physisaphiles and especially aviphiles. I just found a book that may satisfy all of your obsessions in one package. I have always been interested in language and words. When I was in school, I took an odd little nerdy course called Latin and Greek in Current Use. It looked at the etymologies of English words derived from the classical languages. It turned out to be useful studying for a career in health care (bradycardia = slow heart). Some English words have the same etymological meanings, but different connotations. Examples are synchronous (Greek) and contemporary (Latin). Once in a while it is possible to deduce the meaning of an unfamiliar word if you know the meaning of its roots. Ever since I took this course, I have found myself wondering about words and their origins. Now move ahead more than thirty years. I love exploring the natural world in my neighborhood and bloggin...