My Little Chickadee

Chestnut-backed Chickadee (Poecile rufescens)

These charming little birds are common year-around residents on South Fidalgo.  Our coniferous woodland habitat probably accounts for this.  The Chestnut-backed Chickadee (Poecile rufescens) was the very first species caught on my newly installed BirdCam.  They are frequent and fearless visitors.  If I am working on the front patio they will come to the feeders there without trepidation.  Then they try to run me off with their "chip-chip-chip" calls.  I like the lack of intimidation towards people by these little guys.  They usually come singly, but once in a while I get two or more at the feeders...

Sometimes all is not peaceful on South Fidalgo.  When a third Chickadee arrives, he displays by puffing up his head...

Is he trying to run off the other birds the way they try to run me off?  Of course, his companion is having none of it...

OK, I'm outta here...