Cedar Waxwing

One of our most beautiful birds is the Cedar Waxwing ( Bombycilla cedrorum ). It can also be one of the most elusive. I do see them in my yard, but very rarely. Meanwhile, out on Fir Island, the wild Pacific Crabapples ( Malus fusca ) along Wiley Slough are now fruiting abundantly. They have attracted large numbers of Cedar Waxwings. I have never seen such numbers in a single spot. Fir Island, Washington is actually the Skagit River delta. Most of it is farmland, protected by a system of dikes and drainage sloughs. We have visited the island before to see concertizing Song Sparrows and flocks of Snow Geese . The Skagit State Wildlife Recreation Area at Wiley Slough is amicably shared by hunters, birders, photographers, hikers, dog trainers and a lot of big, friendly dogs. Here, the barrier dike was moved inland to restore salmon habitat. The old spur dike has been left in place. The "Spur D...