Sharpe Park

Today, I visited Skagit County's Sharpe Park for the first time. I only recently discovered that it was there. I found a network of old growth forest trails I can spend many hours exploring. The headlands offer terrific views of the San Juan Islands across Rosario Strait. I also found a large pond and wetland, tailor-made for wildlife. The park is located on the west side of Fidalgo Island off Rosario Road. The pond was my first stop and right off the bat I spotted two handsome male Hooded Mergansers ( Lophodytes cuculattus ) in the company of a male Ring-necked Duck ( Aythaya collaris ). The peaked crown and a more decorated bill distinguish the latter from either the Greater or Lesser Scaup . I saw no females of either species. The Hooded Mergansers were eager to display their crests. This makes me think there were hens somewhere in the area. Like Wood Ducks , they like to nest in tree cavities near water. ...