Northern Rough-winged Swallow

Last Tuesday I went hiking and picture-taking at the Kukutali Preserve . I headed out to the far end of the beach off Flagstaff Island to check on the Black Oystercatchers . I noticed a pair of brown birds sticking together on the root of a large driftwood tree. They would fly up occasionally, then return to their perches on the root. When they flew, they resembled swallows, but when perching, I didn't recognize what they were. They steadfastly kept their backs turned to me. This was frustrating my efforts to get a decent photo. One of them held possible nesting material in its beak. The story was emerging. They were building a nest nearby, but did not want to reveal its location to me. For as long as I stayed on the beach, they would stick to their perches on that root with their backs turned. I got a few shots (of their backs) then left so as not to disturb them any more. When I got home, I took a good look at ...